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Brooks Rownd | profile | all galleries >> Hawai'i >> Stranded In East Hawai'i >> July 3, 2010 - Mauna Loa Strip Road tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 3, 2010 - Mauna Loa Strip Road

Saturday brought lots of rain to the windward side. After sleeping in I went up to the nearest dry (and hunter-free) area available to me - Mauna Loa Strip Road. When I arrived at Strip Road the weather was partly cloudy with intermittent blowing mist. It was really perfect weather for bird counting: not too hot or cold, not too wet or dry, and not too sunny or overcast. The birds were relatively active all afternoon. I started at the upper edge of Kipuka Puaulu and counted at fairly regular intervals up to the intersection with Powerline Road. The attached counts show how highly concentrated the 'apapane were at either flowering 'ohi'a or the tallest koa and manele. The last big 'apapane count was a big wave of birds heading upslope/North to roost. Other birds were pretty thinly spread. I was surprised by the low 'oma'o count.

I've pretty much exhausted most of the interesting plant discoveries/observations along Strip Road, but the one interesting thing that caught my eye was a profusely flowering pawale, with beautiful pink puffball flowers and shiny white seed pods.

I've attached a map of the count sites. The counts in the table are ordered by increasing elevation along Strip Road, instead of by time. (I'd park in a central spot and count both up and down the road from the car) I also attached a view of the Mauna Loa Strip from the summit of Kilauea, showing how it looks from another angle.

Bird Counts: (Species Codes Here)

Kipuka Puaulu1310813141212koa-manele
Kipuka Ki13554811koa-manele
Kipuka Ki13401132523koa-manele
Kipuka Ki142062173'ohi'a-koa
Kipuka Ki1436114110'ohi'a bloom
Kipuka Ki14502162111'ohi'a bloom
Fire Pasture-Koa16501332koa-pasture
Fire Pasture-Koa16392211koa-'a'ali'i
Fire Pasture-Koa170524122koa-pasture
Powerline Road181654251koa-pasture
Powerline Road180632141koa-pasture
Powerline Road17494143koa-pasture
Powerline Road17382132koa-pasture
Powerline Road172711213koa-'a'ali'i
Powerline Road18315414scrub on lava
Powerline Road18421544513koa-'a'ali'i

Birds in the count table: 'apapane, 'amakihi, 'oma'o, 'elepaio, Japanese white-eye, house finch, yellow-fronted canary, red-billed leiothrix, northern cardinal, kalij pheasant, Erckel's francolin.

Pawale Flowers
Pawale Flowers
Pawale Seed Pods
Pawale Seed Pods
Mauna Loa Strip
Mauna Loa Strip
Mauna Loa Strip Road
[ Mauna Loa Strip Road ]