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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 > En Pointe
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En Pointe

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/2000s f/7.1 at 650.0mm iso400 with 1.7 TC full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre31-Mar-2021 13:40
Une très jolie pose de cette aigrette dans ce beau décor! V
poetry66606-May-2009 23:07
A stunning and beautiful composition of this bird Buz. Excellently captured my friend.BV
Mindy McNaugher06-May-2009 01:47
Stunning capture! Vote!
Johnny JAG05-May-2009 20:54
Beautifully graceful.
J. Scott Coile05-May-2009 19:16
Fantastic Buz.
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography05-May-2009 19:11
Good catch indeed, Vote :)
Fong Lam05-May-2009 18:15
Beautiful pose and nice timing, Buz ~V~
Apostolos Tikopoulos05-May-2009 17:40
Excellent closeup and nice details. v.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad05-May-2009 13:53
How the ballet really began. ;o)
Nice catch, Buz.
Char05-May-2009 13:20
Hi Buz,
Wonderful capture of this graceful looking bird. It looks like it's doing a ballet. \/
Guest 05-May-2009 10:43
Beautiful light and pose! Well captured!
Guest 05-May-2009 09:21
Great timing,V
shatterbug05-May-2009 06:04
Wonderful capture here...great timing!
Pat Shawyer05-May-2009 05:49
Such beauty and grace ! Wonderful...
Carol Rollins05-May-2009 05:32
Beautiful pose captured fabulously! ~
Gerard Koehl05-May-2009 04:38
Wow... extraordinaire. L'exposition est parfaite. V
Gayle P. Clement05-May-2009 04:26
Beautifully detailed, Buz. The wings are especially nice. V
Reggie J05-May-2009 04:17
Appears to be tight rope walking to maintain his balance at the peak.... Nice capture of this Snowy Egret Buz.
Elaine (etfitz)05-May-2009 02:38
Beautiful! Love the pose and those vibrant colors!
Guest 05-May-2009 01:36
Awesome image Buz..
The well exposed whites really stand out against the BG...v
Richard Vance05-May-2009 00:22
Perfect exposure of those difficult whites. The posture is simply angelic. Masterful shot, Buz. V
Best to you,
lou_rozensteins05-May-2009 00:03
Lovely light and good details. Well done.
Eckhart Derschmidt05-May-2009 00:00
I just thought this was not looking like an inhabitant of your native Smoky Mountains when I saw the title of the gallery... Great capture!
Faye White04-May-2009 23:21
fabulous grace!