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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 > Louisiana Cypress
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Louisiana Cypress

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MarcViskens03-Aug-2015 16:23
stunning beauties
well done Buz
Alexander Kazakov21-Apr-2015 11:56
Outstanding! V
fredrcox23-Dec-2013 23:36
A very nice swamp capture!
godro24-Feb-2013 13:23
Very nice work!
Range View 15-May-2012 21:39
The light captured here is stunning. An exceptional capture! V
Rosemarie Kusserow03-Jun-2009 18:53
Beautiful shot of these interesting trees, very nice colors and light, vote, Rosemarie :o)
Marco Valk08-May-2009 17:16
great shot; looks very peaceful. gmv
Yiannis Pavlis06-May-2009 12:28
A creative point of view beautifully rendered. beautiful light indeed.
Lise Trempe05-May-2009 13:12
Wonderful mood, the light is fantastic.
J. Scott Coile04-May-2009 04:12
Light and saturation are spectacular.
Guest 03-May-2009 20:26
Gorgeous scene, Buz... the light and tones are beautiful!
Breland03-May-2009 16:07
Nice soft lighting Buz. It sure did the trick in this little grove.
poetry66602-May-2009 22:50
Very unusual trees here Buz. The lighting and composition are all superb my friend.BV!
Earl Arboneaux 02-May-2009 01:12
Outstandiing lighting Buz,beautiful swampscape....V
kent larnhill01-May-2009 21:33
Great image!
Fong Lam01-May-2009 14:14
Great shot of those cypress with buttress roots under warm lighting, Buz ~V~
Yi Feng01-May-2009 01:39
Beautiful trees and lovely lighting!
Char01-May-2009 01:01
Hi Buz,
Fantastic light on this beautiful scene! \/
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography30-Apr-2009 23:21
Beautiful image Buz, Vote.
Robbie D7030-Apr-2009 18:36
Superb lighting in this shot, you did a great job my friend.
Douglas Stucky30-Apr-2009 15:35
Beautiful light here Buz! vote
shatterbug30-Apr-2009 05:47
What interesting trees...I like the repetition, and you caught some great light here!
Guest 30-Apr-2009 02:56
Spectacular shot!! I love the vertical composition and the lighting is superb!!
Nicki Thurgar29-Apr-2009 19:22
What amazing trees, you've captured them in that light perfectly!
Johnny JAG29-Apr-2009 18:40
Superb light.
Pat Shawyer29-Apr-2009 18:15
Wonderful shot Buz, great trees !
Steve Morris29-Apr-2009 17:33
Fabulous trees and the lighting is superb!BV
Guest 29-Apr-2009 15:34
Awesome image Buz, love the way you were able to catch the directional light...v
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad29-Apr-2009 14:13
Beautiful shot of the cypress swamp. Nice warm side light too. V
Michel CORBOZ29-Apr-2009 11:57
Well done ! such a great light... V
Guest 29-Apr-2009 08:48
Terrific light, V
fdt29-Apr-2009 05:57
Beautiful. f
Gerard Koehl29-Apr-2009 04:45
Magnifique composition et couleurs... V
Guest 29-Apr-2009 00:59
You put Louiisiana in as good a light as you do Cades Cove !!!
Gayle P. Clement29-Apr-2009 00:43
Lovely soft light with great detail in the cypress.
lou_rozensteins29-Apr-2009 00:22
Lovely light and composition. Very unusual setting for me, anyway. Well done.
Richard Vance28-Apr-2009 23:46
Definitely water in that pond. :) Lovely muted light. Vote
Best to you,
Faye White28-Apr-2009 23:40
wonderful low light streaming through the scene - beautiful!
Matthew Mannell28-Apr-2009 23:08
Wow, what a scene. Gorgeous color and comp. V