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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lake Martin, Louisiana - 2009 > Great White Egret, Rosetta Spoonbill and Black-bellied Whistling Duck
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Great White Egret, Rosetta Spoonbill and Black-bellied Whistling Duck

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/1000s f/5.6 at 400.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre14-Jul-2018 19:13
Une très belle observation, trois espèces différentes au même endroit, de l'excellent travail! V
Alexander Kazakov13-Apr-2016 12:50
Wow! V
Yi Feng06-May-2009 02:47
How wonderful! 3 in one! Great capture Buz! V
Guest 04-May-2009 21:47
Can't believe they were gathered all there for real, without some PS tricks :) V
poetry66602-May-2009 22:52
How wonderful to capture all three birds in one spot Buz. Excellent work.V
bill friedlander28-Apr-2009 17:37
Such great diversity among these three, and all captured in the same spot. V
Char28-Apr-2009 12:41
Hi Buz,
This is an excellent and unusual capture. How awesome to capture 3 different birds on the same branch. \/
Douglas Stucky28-Apr-2009 10:52
That's quite a trio. Beautiful color and very sharp! vote
Carol Rollins28-Apr-2009 06:03
Fantastic capture of this great group Buz! What a shot...priceless!! ~
shatterbug28-Apr-2009 05:31
Amazing to catch these three birds in the same shot...beautiful light again too!
lou_rozensteins28-Apr-2009 02:03
All at once!! Must be a great place for bird shots. Well done.
Peter Stahl28-Apr-2009 00:06
Amazing variety Buz! :-)
Faye White27-Apr-2009 22:48
wow! a trifecta! :) an amazing and beautiful image, Buz.
Guest 27-Apr-2009 22:15
Excellent capture! v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Apr-2009 19:28
Excellent capture, great collection of different birds in one photo, Vote.
Fong Lam27-Apr-2009 18:43
An outstanding capture of different lovely birds in one setting, Buz ~V~
Johnny JAG27-Apr-2009 18:05
What a colourful collection!
Guest 27-Apr-2009 15:18
Quite a collection of birds..
I envy you guys with all the different types of birds to photograph..
Very nice image Buz...
Gerard Koehl27-Apr-2009 15:13
Wow... magnifique prise. Vous êtes gâté avec 3 espèces en même temps. V
Michael Shpuntov27-Apr-2009 14:28
Wonderful capture. Som many interesting birds in in shot.
Gayle P. Clement27-Apr-2009 14:26
Great trio, Buz. Isn't it amazing to find these guys in the wild like this.

Beautiful light on these birds.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad27-Apr-2009 14:12
Quite an interesting trio. Good to see some species on this planet can get along. ;o)
Pat Shawyer27-Apr-2009 12:43
Wonderful colours Buz, you are fortunate indeed to get such wonderful varieties of bird over there !
Tom Cagle27-Apr-2009 12:30
Great shot Buz to get them all in one shot. Well done. V
Naomi 27-Apr-2009 12:14
A very unusual looking bird. Lovely colors! V
Richard Vance27-Apr-2009 12:07
What a trio of exotic birds! Superb exposure and excellent deep DOF to get all three in focus. Vote
Best to you,