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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Colorado Columbine (aquilegia coerulea)
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Colorado Columbine (aquilegia coerulea)

Found these at about 9,500 feet. Strange looks from auto drivers passing a couple of feet to my rear.
They just don't understand. Not sure I do either. :^)

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR
1/320s f/11.0 at 200.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre28-Jul-2016 19:00
Une magnifique fleur, un superbe fond noir et une lumière exquise! V
Pawel16-Mar-2009 13:18
Beautifull photo :)
Chris Spracklen28-Feb-2009 16:25
Superb shot of this stunning little flower, Buz! (V)
(Thanks for your kind comments. It's great to see your work again.)
Douglas Stucky17-Aug-2008 14:08
LOL!! How many times has that happened to me in the cove??

Beautiful shot Buz. vote
poetry66601-Aug-2008 00:06
Another splendid find, Buz..V.
Matthew Mannell22-Jul-2008 02:15
Subtle yet gorgeous.
tomandlinda20-Jul-2008 13:33
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:31
HAHA I know what you mean. I didn't know they were a native plant when we went to Wyoming. I have these planted in my garden. I saw them at about 8,000 feet and I squealed, Look! Columbines! Got some wierd looks and a smart alec reply
carol j. phipps20-Jul-2008 01:03
Excellent capture of this columbine! V
Marco Valk18-Jul-2008 17:11
beautiful shot.
Naomi 18-Jul-2008 13:37
I saw some wild columbine in Montana recently. Such a lovely, delicate flower. V
Shayne17-Jul-2008 14:29
Super image buz ~ well done ~ BAV
shatterbug17-Jul-2008 07:24
Beautiful flower, nicely contrasted with the dark bg!
Carol Rollins15-Jul-2008 13:09
Yep, we get it.
This is gorgeous Buz. Beautifully captured. V
Gayle P. Clement14-Jul-2008 22:45
Well, at least we understand. Beautiful detail and isolation.
J. Scott Coile14-Jul-2008 22:24
Splendid isolation!
adagiobiagio14-Jul-2008 21:09
Gary Hebert14-Jul-2008 20:42
I understand George... lovely image... at 9,500 you are getting close the big fella up there... :)