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Buz Kiefer | all galleries >> Galleries >> RV Trip 2008 > Rocky Mountain Elk
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Rocky Mountain Elk

More photos are on the blog if you'd like to see them.


Nikon D2x
1/200s f/13.0 at 250.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Pierre07-Jul-2020 17:38
Une superbe photo de ce joli cervidé! V
Guest 01-Aug-2014 16:23
Outstanding picture! V
Tom Munson26-Mar-2009 22:35
This is a winner, Buz! He will be allot bigger in September. Great work1
Chris Spracklen02-Mar-2009 21:57
Super shot of this magnificent animal, Buz.
You caught him just right, my friend.
Michel CORBOZ03-Aug-2008 17:22
Majestueux ! V
Marco Valk27-Jul-2008 20:36
great shot of this majestic elk. v
Matthew Mannell22-Jul-2008 01:53
He's a big boy! Very nice.
Guest 20-Jul-2008 11:29
Mr. Majestic!!!! Excellent!
carol j. phipps20-Jul-2008 01:02
Fabulous siting and capture. Good to see you posting again, Buz!
Shayne17-Jul-2008 14:30
Bryan Murahashi16-Jul-2008 15:08
Great scene with the little wildflowers and giant Rack. V
We'll be there in early October for the rutting of the Elk.
Jola Dziubinska15-Jul-2008 13:09
Fantastic capture, splendid! V.
J. Scott Coile14-Jul-2008 22:23
How welcomed would they be in the Smokeys!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography14-Jul-2008 19:54
Welcome back Buz :)
Great shot, very well seen, Vote.
Al Chesworth14-Jul-2008 19:52
What a beauty, a great shot Buz.