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The wonder of travel and photography can be found throughout Pbase.
Roads Scholar Program - Oregon - Spring 2011
Roads Scholar Program - Oregon - Spring 2011
Olympic Peninsula - Spring 2011
Olympic Peninsula - Spring 2011
Japan Spring 2007
Japan Spring 2007
China - Spring 2008
China - Spring 2008
South Korea - Spring 2008
South Korea - Spring 2008
Japan-Spring 2008
Japan-Spring 2008
Elderhostel - East Asia  Spring 2008
Elderhostel - East Asia Spring 2008
Israel-Palestine-Holy Land
Israel-Palestine-Holy Land
Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks
Grand Tetons and Yellowstone National Parks
Living History Farms - Des Moines Iowa
Living History Farms - Des Moines Iowa
LucisArt - Image modifications
LucisArt - Image modifications
Hot Air Balloons
Hot Air Balloons
Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Fall 2007
Great Smoky Mountains National Park - Fall 2007
Mexico 2007:  Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo
Mexico 2007: Tabasco, Chiapas, Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo
Haiti - Central Plateau
Haiti - Central Plateau
Haiti - United Christians International (UCI) March 2009
Haiti - United Christians International (UCI) March 2009
Visions of Haiti - February 2003
Visions of Haiti - February 2003
Pignon Haiti - March 2006
Pignon Haiti - March 2006
Team 2 -Pignon Haiti March 2006
Team 2 -Pignon Haiti March 2006
Team 2 Pignon Haiti-February 2003
Team 2 Pignon Haiti-February 2003
Black and White
Black and White
Southwest Utah - February 2006
Southwest Utah - February 2006
2006 Trip to NYC and Project Hospitality
2006 Trip to NYC and Project Hospitality
Visit to northwoods of Wisconsin and Michigan
Visit to northwoods of Wisconsin and Michigan
Family and Friends
Family and Friends
August vacation leads to discoveries
August vacation leads to discoveries
Hungary-Transylvania-Romania  July 2003
Hungary-Transylvania-Romania July 2003
Mission Team to Hungary & Transylvania 2003
Mission Team to Hungary & Transylvania 2003
Second Reformed Church - Pella Iowa
Second Reformed Church - Pella Iowa
Art Institute of Chicago and around downtown
Art Institute of Chicago and around downtown
 In Box
In Box
Atlantic Adventures-2014
Atlantic Adventures-2014
Turkey-May 2015
Turkey-May 2015
Alaska by Rail-Road Scholar 2015
Alaska by Rail-Road Scholar 2015
Lincoln-His Life and Legacy
Lincoln-His Life and Legacy
Southwestern United States
Southwestern United States
Fall in Utah-2017
Fall in Utah-2017
Washington DC
Washington DC