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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - 2018/2019

After much effort from the Staff and Volunteers this National treasure is experiencing a welcome improvement in the balance of protecting local and transitional wildlife's right to a "home" and access by responsible people. Today I did a walk-about across the river to an area that has had road improvements, eliminated environmental destruction by "Me-first Off Roaders", and prepared the area for the Wintering of the visiting wildlife for their migration season. A real pleasure to see how projects (once only a wish) are arriving today and the tomorrows at WNR.

The first gallery for this period is short and limited due to the blending of one season to the next with the existing conditions starting to end in anticipation of the arrival of our "Winter" visitors.
Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - 09/20/2018
:: Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - 09/20/2018 ::