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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Galleries

The Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge is part of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is located in North Alabama and is the home for migratory birds, mammals, wild plants, numerous species of insects and other wildlife. These photos are a stored by fiscal year's seasons. Each photo is a documentation of that day's happen chance variety of wildlife that is protected within this sanctuary along the Tennessee River or the activities scheduled within the National Refuge acreage. There are currently several sub-galleries within this main gallery; enjoy drifting through both to enjoy the many facets of Refuge life.

A single species gallery has been established here so the Viewers will not need to "surf" several hundred galleries if the Whooping Cranes are of special interest to the Viewer. Postings for a specific popular species is somewhat inconsistent since each photo is a happen-chance moment since the subjects are not living in their environment and not a human based environment. Good photographers work on the "life-schedule" of the wildlife not on a schedule set by man.

For more detailed information about the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge (WNWR), the programs, and activities available, please go to one of the following web location: The same link can get you in contact with the National Wildlife Refuge's Volunteer Program. If you are within driving distance to Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge and desire information on program schedules and educational services you can contact the Visitor Center at 256-350-6639.

As a former Volunteer for almost 10 years, I can assure you that your contribution of time and energy not only aids in the education of our youth in the value of providing a safe home for wild wildlife but provides our youth knowledge for their future as responsible adult citizens. And learning how your donations of time helps the bottom of the funding chain from Washington to Atlanta to WNWR daily duties and activities allow the paid staff to continue providing maintenance, protection, public education and services in a place that was created for the wildlife instead of a "park" for humans. Be sure and visit the WNWR website and learn about one of the unique treasures that can be missed when you just drive by going from Priceville to Decatur, Alabama.

Note: TO ACCESS THE INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS WITHIN A GALLERY JUST "CLICK" ON THE THUMBNAIL PHOTO TO OPEN THAT GALLERY and then click on the individual thumbnail photo to enlarge it on your screen.

Please NOTE: All photos are copyrighted and authorization must be obtained to use for printing, reproduction at other locations, or commercial use must be approved prior to use by BeauxPoint Photography of Cullman, Alabama. Only WNWR has standing permission to reproduce any photo or part of a photo within this specific gallery.
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A Gallery of Whooping Cranes at Wheeler Wildlife Refuge
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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - Fisical Year 2016-2017
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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - Fiscal Year 2015-2016
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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Fiscal Year - 2014/2015
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Wheeler Wildlife Refuge - Fiscal Year 2007-08 Season  Photo Galleries
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Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge - 2018/2019
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