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BeauxPoint Photography | profile | all galleries >> Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Galleries >> Wheeler Wildlife Refuge - Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Season Galleries >> Wheeler Wildlife Refuge - 04/24/2010 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wheeler Wildlife Refuge - 04/24/2010

Even with the tornado watchs, the heavy thunderstorms, rain and wind......the Refuge conducted a seminar on setting up gardens for observing birds in a person's backyard. The Instructor for this creative birding adventure in your own backyard was Herb Lewis. While the turn-out was light, those brave souls who ventured for birding knowledge found a wealth of information presented on a very personal level. For those of you who desire to start birding adventures in your own back yard......Herb has a web site ( ) that will provide and experienced "birder" or a newby those varible skills necessary to enjoy the songbird season as well as the migratory season of winged wildlife.