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Peg Price | all galleries >> Galleries >> Historic Tucson > Consolidated Bank of Tucson - Valley Bank
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13 November 2003 Peg Price

Consolidated Bank of Tucson - Valley Bank

2 East Congress St.

On the National Register of Historic Places and built in 1928-29, it was Tucson's first high-rise with 11 stories. Many people know it as the Valley Bank. Chase Bank occupies the building today.
It was built at a cost of one million dollars. Rent 1957's "A Kiss Before Dying" and see Robert Wagner push Joanne Woodward off the top of the building. (Lots of other Tucson landmarks in that movie, too.)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 31-May-2020 18:36
I worked at this Valley Bank branch for three years. Beautiful lobby and had a large vault in the basement. When the movie "Stir Crazy" was filmed here, a few of us employees were extras in the robbery scene. Good times!
Pat 30-May-2018 04:45
In 1948 this corner of E Congress ST. and N. Stone Ave. was to me the windiest place in Tucson. The wind seemed to whip around the corner so strong, as a young girl I felt like I would be blown away.
Guest 09-Oct-2006 04:15
This high rise, to me, was one of the first, if not the first tall bldg. in Tucson (don't know for sure); but it was the Valley National Bank at the time. A great bldg. also to appreciate in downtown on corner of Congress and Stone Ave. I worked at McClellans across street and down a block, also Woolworths for a tiny bit, and Lerners across from the bank, for a Christmas season. I tried to get work at bank, but never got called. Discrimination? I don't know. I could type and spell just great, so don't understand why. Heaven knows!