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Bernard Davis | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Miscellaneous pictures of places and things tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Miscellaneous pictures of places and things

Miscellaneous pictures that don't fit anywhere else
HMS Belfast by Night
HMS Belfast by Night
HMS Belfast Lit
HMS Belfast Lit
Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge
London Tower across the Thames
London Tower across the Thames
A heavy frost
A heavy frost
One touch and it shatters
One touch and it shatters
Frost on a bud
Frost on a bud
Frozen twig
Frozen twig
Orme Sight by Thompson Dagnall
Orme Sight by Thompson Dagnall
Orme Sight by Thompson Dagnall
Orme Sight by Thompson Dagnall
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
Fleetwood Marina
One cold spider
One cold spider
Life amid the rubbish
Life amid the rubbish
Lostock Grt Manchester
Lostock Grt Manchester
Church in Lostock
Church in Lostock
Rivington Pike
Rivington Pike
Rumworth Reservoir
Rumworth Reservoir
St. Thomas and St. John
St. Thomas and St. John
Harley-Davidson Cast-offs
Harley-Davidson Cast-offs
Wheel barrow
Wheel barrow
Church by Night
Church by Night
Stocks at Church Town
Stocks at Church Town
Firemans Helmet c 1900 - Churchtown Botanic Gardens, Museum
Firemans Helmet c 1900 - Churchtown Botanic Gardens, Museum
Bring out the Branston
Bring out the Branston
Simple fare
Simple fare
Wild Bass
Wild Bass
Fruit and Veg
Fruit and Veg
Chorley Cake
Chorley Cake
Arches in Blackpool town centre
Arches in Blackpool town centre
Blackpool Tower
Blackpool Tower