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Barry R. Byrd | profile | all galleries >> Fauna >> Mammals tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bugs | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles & Amphibs


DSC_0447.jpg sunset jack SDIM6077DXO_TreeRat.jpg
wearing breakfast SDIM6306.jpg SDIM6289.jpg
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watchful fishing feeding shallow
battle scars SDIM4037PS.jpg SDIM4059crop.jpg
DSC_0482_67.jpg calling vixens DSC_0316.jpg
DSC_0311.jpg DSC_0309.jpg SDIM2215.jpg
feral boar SDIM3529.jpg SDIM3232.jpg
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backlit buck buck dawn wild pig in river
doe with negative fill longhorn at dusk 13 lined ground squirrel
sunset jack jack ears jack at sunset
hidden jackrabbit jack rabbit jack portrait
jack face one blade big lick
flying crumbs young coyote habitat
cottontail caption needed axis herd