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Barry R. Byrd | profile | all galleries >> Fauna >> Bugs tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bugs | Birds | Mammals | Reptiles & Amphibs


jowls SDIM5320.jpg SDIM3992.jpg SDIM3935.jpg
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SDIM7627.jpg SDIM7620.jpg hopper SDIM6374_2.jpg
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SDIM5220.jpg SDIM5155.jpg butterfall fall feast
fall sulfur late monarch surface tension bee nap
hopper damsel.jpg orange snout5.jpg
snout2.jpg dFly1.jpg bFly4.jpg an afternoon pause
feeding time resting orange on green buckeye
brown on green life on a pumpkin cicada bee wasp
broom weed and silver broom weed and orange 2 yellow on yellow broom weed and silver w/neg. fill
resting in the canyon translucent wing plum & butterfly 3 plum & butterfly 2
plum & bee bee on mexican plum plum & bee 2 laurel butterfly
bee and mountain laurel ladybug on laurel beeLaurel.jpg spot on ladybug
bee flower museum butterfly dragonfly 1 dragonfly 3
honey legs 1 honey legs 2 red dragon red dragon 3
red dragon sunburn sparkleFace1.jpg lantana butterfly white 4
red faced butterfly on garlic blooms garlic & butterfly garlic & butterfly 2
garlic & butterfly 3 3 damsels first buds 2 first buds 3