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Barry S Moore | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges > Pool Ball Upside down
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Pool Ball Upside down

An upside down topsey turvey world we live in.

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Jerry Gerber13-Oct-2008 20:36
Brilliant idea! Well executed
Guest 08-Jun-2008 10:39
Fantastic!!! VOTED
Heidi Jonker01-Feb-2008 10:47
Guest 20-Jan-2008 23:04
Very creative and well executed.
Sheila16-Jan-2008 05:36
Very creative idea. Excellent conclusion.
Peg O'Brien07-Jan-2008 02:36
Great image. We need to think more like you maybe! Good job!
Guest 31-Dec-2007 06:49
I was so drawn to this image. I have become so use to seeing things right side up that this just totally shocked me. I like the shadow, simple and yet inviting. Great job. I need to teach myself to think outside the box a bit more.
Guest 19-Dec-2007 07:48
well done for your honourable mention!
Alexis Hadjisoteriou26-Nov-2007 23:57
I thought it was a drop of lemon landing in a strawberry smoothie - great image and congrats on the HM!
Guest 12-Nov-2007 22:55
I thought is was a fried egg seen from the thumbnail. Great shot
Nick Powell12-Nov-2007 07:49
Great idea, well done!
Guest 08-Sep-2007 08:23
Now this one gets me thinking - just don't ask me to pot the ball... No chance!! :-)
DENZA22-Jun-2007 23:27
DENZA22-Jun-2007 23:27
Guest 16-Jun-2007 15:31
Could it be a camouflaged closed-circuit camera? Such a strenuous task for my brain.