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Rochester, NY

Initially, I went to Rochester because the hotel price in Niagara Falls roared up in Labor Day. Before I went there, I thought Rochester, only about one and half hour away from the Falls, was a lackluster old industrial town.

However, Rochester trip turned out to be a bonus. It is a city by the lake by the fall and by the river.

The High Fall, acclaimed as the largest urban falls, is just north of downtown where I stayed.
Genesee river winds up through the town while Erie Canal passes through the rural area.
High Fall Bridge
High Fall Bridge
Urban Fall
Urban Fall
Rochester Beer and Ale Brewery
Rochester Beer and Ale Brewery
Simplicity (HYATT  Hotel)
Simplicity (HYATT Hotel)
Will Turn Over If Financial Aided
Will Turn Over If Financial Aided
Night of Downtown Rochester
Night of Downtown Rochester
Canal Sunset
Canal Sunset
Ducks In Dusk(Erie Cacal) Set 4,2004
Ducks In Dusk(Erie Cacal) Set 4,2004
Erie Canal in Pittsford
Erie Canal in Pittsford
A Garden with a view to the fall
A Garden with a view to the fall
A Squre Near Kodark
A Squre Near Kodark
Limo in Times Square
Limo in Times Square
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