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Glenn | profile | all galleries >> My Wanderlust >> New York, New York tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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New York, New York

This gallery contains photos of four NYC trip and shows how atmosphere may change one's style.

I am always fond of the static side of city scenes, being objective, balanced and unobstrusive.
Yet in NYC, almost in nowhere can you avoid the crowd, the diversity, the imbalance and the flow.
It was in the last trip that I somehow gave in. Photos can be fuzz or chaotic, people can run into
the lens without preparation. In short, the warm and boisterous NYC managed to eliminate my identity.
Atlas Shrugged (Nov 17, 2004)
Atlas Shrugged (Nov 17, 2004)
Brooding curves
Brooding curves
Doors at Metropolitan Museum of Art
Doors at Metropolitan Museum of Art
Singing with Angel
Singing with Angel
Remains of the day
Remains of the day
New York Ambiance
New York Ambiance
Park Ave
Park Ave
Happy New Year
Happy New Year
Grand Station
Grand Station
St. Patrick Church
St. Patrick Church
St. Patrick  Church
St. Patrick Church
Winter in Princeton
Winter in Princeton
Autumn in Princeton
Autumn in Princeton
East River (From United Nation Headquater)
East River (From United Nation Headquater)
Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum
At Central Park
At Central Park
A Day In Central Park (Nov 6, 2004)
A Day In Central Park (Nov 6, 2004)
Central Park
Central Park
Chrysler Impression (Nov 11, 2004)
Chrysler Impression (Nov 11, 2004)
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge
Express Lane
Express Lane
Going Forward
Going Forward
Theatre District
Theatre District
New Show
New Show
At Met
At Met
Creation and Appreciation
Creation and Appreciation
American Classical
American Classical
Something better than HDTV
Something better than HDTV
Only connect...
Only connect...
Magic of caning
Magic of caning
Hidden under Scaffold
Hidden under Scaffold
Posted Post Office
Posted Post Office
Manhattan Forest
Manhattan Forest
Skating in Central Park
Skating in Central Park
I love NY
I love NY