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31 March 2012 Dawn McKenzie-Wykes


A quick capture of Janice Dunns Coffee when I was out with her this mornng...

I Say YUMMY !!!!

Samsung Galaxy SII

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Yvonne01-Apr-2012 11:55
It looks so delicious, love the decoration!
Janice Dunn01-Apr-2012 09:10
I do hope you enjoyed taking my coffee's photo - it was cold by the time I got it back!!!
Ann...01-Apr-2012 08:13
Perfectly YUMMY!!
J. Scott Coile01-Apr-2012 03:10
Yes and perfect toning.
Timothy Guenther01-Apr-2012 00:32
Looks like the Cafe Mocha I had this morning (it was yummy too!). Great in sepia.
Guest 31-Mar-2012 20:57
Oh Dawn!!!! This is exactly what I need in this right moment!!!!! Great yummy shot! V
Brenda31-Mar-2012 17:02
And a brownie or piece of fudge? YUMMY combo!
Stephanie31-Mar-2012 10:32
Yummy and pretty!!! :))
wernere0131-Mar-2012 08:21
Somehow too good to be destroyed.
Mieke WA Minkjan31-Mar-2012 06:49
what a great cup of coffee it must have been, presented like this!
Laryl31-Mar-2012 06:37
wow that is too pretty to drink!
laine31-Mar-2012 05:35
Seems almost criminal to disrupt the Barista's creations at times...and that looks like walnuts in Janice's cake...all too perfectly yummy!
joseantonio31-Mar-2012 04:16
I love this. Very nice tones
Cindi Smith31-Mar-2012 03:56
That looks good and I'm dreaming it is hot chocolate!
Guest 31-Mar-2012 03:43
Sheila31-Mar-2012 03:40
That looks too pretty to drink!
Guest 31-Mar-2012 03:30
oh yum and brownie tooooooooooooo
larose forest photos31-Mar-2012 02:58
I say Yummy, too! It looks delicious. Great image. V
LynnH31-Mar-2012 02:32
That looks delicious!! Great tones and sepia (coffee) color! V
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