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awatea | all galleries >> Galleries >> March Monochromatic Challenge > Shadows
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05-MAR-2012 Dawn McKenzie-Wykes


I bought this the other day (only $20 bucks!) retail therapy
you know what its like girls :-)) gotta get a plant for it now !!

Loved the shadows yesterday when the sun was shining brightly.

(Sepia tones and greyscale tones)

Samsung GT-I9100
1/2452s f/2.7 at 4.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)27-Mar-2012 18:53
Janet Donnelly21-Mar-2012 00:28
Marvelous presentation of shadows .... really outstanding!
Janice Dunn08-Mar-2012 19:41
I love this with the shadows - looks extra good on the tiles too
Jeff Lobaugh07-Mar-2012 21:36
Love everything about this image. The POV, the tones, the shadows!! Well done!!
Guest 07-Mar-2012 18:54
Cute bike and lovely shadows Dawn. Love your bottom image and hope you get better soon, don't worry about commenting!
Mieke WA Minkjan07-Mar-2012 06:45
like the both versions,hope your neck problems will solve soon!
J. Scott Coile07-Mar-2012 06:10
Couldn't resist...
Sheila07-Mar-2012 00:18
Very elegant! I prefer the bottom image as it fills the frame more.
Brenda06-Mar-2012 21:40
YIKES! I love it and want one of my own. V
Mairéad06-Mar-2012 19:16
I love the sepia - you've got your money's worth already.
Yvonne06-Mar-2012 09:02
I like both versions but the greyscale just pips the post for to
see it when you put the plant in there - of course!
wernere0106-Mar-2012 06:20
That´s really great. Like the second one with that fine light even more. v
Guest 06-Mar-2012 05:57
Terrific choice for the subject! V
laine06-Mar-2012 04:15
It's lovely without the plant...and a great price too.
Bill Ewart Jr06-Mar-2012 02:41
Dawn, exquisite shadow shot! You need a whole gallery of these, without a doubt!!!! It would skyrocket to the top of the "popular" galleries in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cindi Smith06-Mar-2012 02:32
Oh, this works! This is perfect!
Barbara Heide06-Mar-2012 01:44
cool shadows!
LynnH06-Mar-2012 01:04
I like both the sepia and the b&w versions. Excellent work. I hope you neck feels better soon. V
Laryl05-Mar-2012 23:41
feel better soon Dawn.. that little planter bike is so cute!! fun shadows
Ann...05-Mar-2012 23:30
I like both tones and the good strong shadows.
Jola Dziubinska05-Mar-2012 23:20
Very beautiful. Great light. V.
Guest 05-Mar-2012 23:12
Beautiful in sepia.
Stephanie05-Mar-2012 23:07
Hoping that you show us a photo once you put a plant in here!
Great, great shadows!!! :)
Hope your neck feels better soon!
larose forest photos05-Mar-2012 21:56
Gorgeous!! Delicate, lacy shadow on this lovely plant stand. V
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