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Robert | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Galaxies tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


M31-wide field shot with 300mm lens
M31-wide field shot with 300mm lens
M31-wide field shot with 135mm lens
M31-wide field shot with 135mm lens
M33 - Triangulum galaxy
M33 - Triangulum galaxy
NGC7331 and Stephans Quintett
NGC7331 and Stephans Quintett
Galaxies in Leo; M96, 95 and M105
Galaxies in Leo; M96, 95 and M105
Galaxies in Leo; M96, M95, M105 and at left: the planet Saturn
Galaxies in Leo; M96, M95, M105 and at left: the planet Saturn
Galaxy in Leo; NGC2903
Galaxy in Leo; NGC2903