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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 21
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San Diego, CA

San Diego Train Station / Santa Fe Depot


Canon EOS Rebel T2i
1/400s f/6.3 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

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Jola Dziubinska30-Jul-2011 01:05
Nice shapes and tones Astrid, very nice building! V.
Cindi Smith28-Jul-2011 13:55
Has that known Spanish feel to it. Nice job. All the buildings are great in SD!
Mieke WA Minkjan28-Jul-2011 07:39
on first impression I thought it was a church
but this is a wonderful photo from a railway station
Michael J. Parkinson28-Jul-2011 01:08
Lots of character, many train stations are just imposing, this is inviting.
Walter Otto Koenig27-Jul-2011 22:50
Nice shot of the Santa Fe Depot Astrid. Works well slightly off center.
Guest 27-Jul-2011 20:38
What a beautiful train station Astrid, I wish we had one like this here!!
J. Scott Coile27-Jul-2011 15:04
Another nice study of this architecture.
Stephanie27-Jul-2011 10:16
What a beautiful train station! Ummm... Do many people commute by train in California?
Janice Dunn27-Jul-2011 09:15
What an attractive building this is.
Yvonne27-Jul-2011 08:58
Must be so lovely to see and hear the water on a scorching hot day! Beautiful building and greenery!
Guest 27-Jul-2011 05:56
What a beautiful train station. It is very quiet outside the station.