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Astrid Taen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Architecture in B&W > 20
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Santa Ana, CA

Santa Ana train station taken from train as we left the station.


Panasonic Lumix DMC-TS3
1/250s f/3.3 at 4.9mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindi Smith27-Jul-2011 01:25
Love the composition here. Great job!!! But, looks like the palms' fronds are on the ground. :)
Brenda27-Jul-2011 00:46
What a great photo! So much to look at. Well done!
Robin Reid26-Jul-2011 16:40
Fascinating building.
Mieke WA Minkjan26-Jul-2011 09:09
a beautiful and decor rich railway station
Walter Otto Koenig25-Jul-2011 16:12
Nice shot Astrid. I had no idea the Santa Ana station was so ornate.
Yvonne25-Jul-2011 11:17
What an interesting train station, so much to see and a great garden too!
Stephanie25-Jul-2011 09:57
This train station is much more attractive than Penn Station in NYC!
Nicely composed image!
Guest 25-Jul-2011 05:59
Very nice.
J. Scott Coile25-Jul-2011 05:57
Classic Spanish influence.
Guest 25-Jul-2011 01:51
So beautiful and well captured Astrid!
Michael J. Parkinson25-Jul-2011 01:28
Super angle here. It makes on look around.
LynnH24-Jul-2011 18:15
Nicely composed! I love the theme of arches!