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Astrid Taen | profile | all galleries >> Photo-Every-So-Often >> 2009 Pictures Every So Often >> July 2009 Challenge - Architecture tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 2009 Challenge - Architecture

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Architect - Pierre Cuypers
Architect - Pierre Cuypers
Design Drawing
Design Drawing
Northeast Vestibule of the Rijksmuseum
Northeast Vestibule of the Rijksmuseum
Sheraton Hotel
Sheraton Hotel
Clock Tower
Clock Tower
Concert In The Park
Concert In The Park
Old North Church
Old North Church
The Richard & Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center
The Richard & Karen Carpenter Performing Arts Center
Mike and Arline Walter Pyramid
Mike and Arline Walter Pyramid
Brauns Automative
Brauns Automative
Lomita Magnet School
Lomita Magnet School
Sheraton Reflected
Sheraton Reflected
Landscape Architecture
Landscape Architecture
CCPA Staircase
CCPA Staircase
Fly a Plane
Fly a Plane
Earthquake Retrofit
Earthquake Retrofit
Airport Courthouse
Airport Courthouse
Douglas St. Metro Station
Douglas St. Metro Station
Fullerton Towers
Fullerton Towers
Condos with plants on the roof
Condos with plants on the roof
Old House Detail
"Old" House Detail
One Big Step Down
One Big Step Down
Lifeguard House
Lifeguard House
House Boat
House Boat
Cerritos Library - July 4th
Cerritos Library - July 4th
New Office Building
New Office Building
Citadel Detail
Citadel Detail
Cerritos Library Detail
Cerritos Library Detail
Cerritos Library Detail
Cerritos Library Detail
:: Citadel ::
Johnston-Hargitt House Ranch Museum
:: Johnston-Hargitt House Ranch Museum ::