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these are photos from other photographers
a very mixed bag, usually posted here to make a point on a forum
any regrets & I will remove it
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birds 553afrw.jpg
birds 553afrw.jpg
Denoiser test Original
Denoiser test Original
Denoiser test Glick
Denoiser test Glick
Denoiser test Original Neat Image
Denoiser test Original Neat Image
sharpener comparison
sharpener comparison
portrait detail
portrait detail
Imaging Resource 14N D2X S3 comparison
Imaging Resource 14N D2X S3 comparison
S2S3 StevesDigiCam 01
S2S3 StevesDigiCam 01
Ola S3-D200 1
Ola S3-D200 1
Ola S3-D200 2
Ola S3-D200 2
Bernie Ess ssamp 01
Bernie Ess ssamp 01
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