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Artichoke Vinagrette | all galleries >> technique >> OP > Ola S3-D200 1
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Ola S3-D200 1

the D200's marginal resolution advantage can be seen in her eyebrow, best to the left
note the complexity of the S3's skin colors & its ability to pick up subtle hues such as around the eyes

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Artichoke Vinagrette07-Jan-2006 05:53
yes Derrel
these shots were not made by me
the difference in size is from the originals
I note more detail in the eyelashes in the D200 as well, but I don't like the artifact, nor the skin color
hoping you are well
Derrel07-Jan-2006 05:26
Only one problem Artichoke--in this crop, the "Fuji eyeball surface" on the right is approximately 59mm across, the Nikon D200 shot's eye is apprx.71mm from white-to-white using a diagonally held on-screen ruler. IOW, the size comparisons you've got are inaccurate,invalid comparisons size-wise. I looked at the originals Bernie is hosting, and the D200's vastly superior eyelash detail and REALISTIC rendering of said detail is superior to the S3's eyelash detail when seen at the same magnification ratio. Your sample here has a DOWN-sized eye area on the S3's image,and that shrinking down of the original file is hiding,or masking the S3's slightly lower resolving abilities (plural) in the eyelashes. Look at the size's hilariously out of whack. 59mm to 71mm.Your comparison is a good example of taking a 59mm image and saying it looks "better" than an image 71mm across.Sure....but the comparison is fradulent.