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Ray Rebortira | all galleries >> 2 >> Daily Snaps >> 2007 >> April 2007 > 6
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Nikon D200
1/500s f/11.0 at 120.0mm iso100 DSC_9271.jpg full exif

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Guest 10-Apr-2007 04:41
The essence of the image. Terrific work on the exposure, that keeps a touch of dark blue, but reveals only the golden shapes.
fred_il07-Apr-2007 21:20
Wenche Aune07-Apr-2007 06:13
Strong and beautiful image.
Guest 07-Apr-2007 01:19
Your ability to control lighting is phenomenal!!
Guest 06-Apr-2007 17:53
Beautiful image!
12306-Apr-2007 14:35
Phenomenal image and treatment.
Hodero06-Apr-2007 14:06
Wonder in what position you were while taking this pic.
Guenter Eh06-Apr-2007 13:59
Yes - even without a caption I feel the strong relation for Easter! Powerful Ray!
Mattias Backström06-Apr-2007 12:07
Great, it makes one looks closer and try to figure out what it is. Interesting!
Jola Dziubinska06-Apr-2007 10:23
Excellent composition and light, great shot.
zyziza06-Apr-2007 10:21
interesting, fine shot for Easter, V
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