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Just Spiders

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After encountering my first jumping spider during one of my first days out with a macro lens (see gallery below), I not only lost my fear of spiders, but actually fell in love. Jumping spiders still are my favourites, they are so agile, funny, intelligent and inquisitive that for me, they are the teddy bears of spider world. But the others are fascinating and lovable too - some care for their young, some make great hunters, some are tireless builders and cunning architects. All are individuals and I'm glad I can show you my view on the world as spiders probably see it. ;-)

As always, all photos are for sale. If you want to use one for your website, just ask me, there's no need to grab it. :-)
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Gallery: Jumping Spiders
:: Gallery: Jumping Spiders ::
Wasp Spider with cocoon
Wasp Spider with cocoon
Wasp Spider with cocoon
Wasp Spider with cocoon
Bad hair day
Bad hair day
Spider Butt
Spider Butt
Guess I'm not welcome
Guess I'm not welcome
No, I'm not...
No, I'm not...
Xysticus sp. weaving gossamer
Xysticus sp. weaving gossamer
Many Legs (Xysticus sp.)
Many Legs (Xysticus sp.)
Testing the wind (Xysticus sp.)
Testing the wind (Xysticus sp.)
Who are you?
Who are you?
My realm
My realm
I have to climb that tree
I have to climb that tree
Spider Acrobatics
Spider Acrobatics
In the web
In the web
On the prowl
On the prowl
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Crab Spider
Little Zebra
Little Zebra
Devoted mother
Devoted mother
Crab Spider and Prey
Crab Spider and Prey
You call it dirt, I call it home
You call it dirt, I call it home
Another home
Another home
Really big gal (Aculepeira ceropegia)
Really big gal (Aculepeira ceropegia)
Very young Harvestman
Very young Harvestman
Pestered by flies I
Pestered by flies I
Pestered by flies II
Pestered by flies II
Mom and Nursery
Mom and Nursery
A closer look at the nursery
A closer look at the nursery
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