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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Zoo visits and #sftigercub >> Gorilla and Tiger Cubs + Plexiglass - June 7th & May visits tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Gorilla and Tiger Cubs + Plexiglass - June 7th & May visits | San Francisco Zoo's Tiger Cub, Jillian, and mom, May 7, 2013 #sftigercub | Tiger Cub, 10 weeks old, at San Francisco Zoo #sftigercub | Tiger Cub, 9 wks old, at San Francisco Zoo #sftigercub | San Francisco Zoo - a visit on March 16, 2013 | Oakland Zoo - a visit on Feb. 16, 2013

Gorilla and Tiger Cubs + Plexiglass - June 7th & May visits

The San Francisco Zoo's tiger cub, Jillian, is now 4 months old.

The gorilla cub-equivalent, Hasani, is 4 years old.  The San Francisco Zoo's gorilla family story is fascinating.  Abandoned by his birth mother, Hasani was raised by zoo staff (who slept with him for 5 mos. until an experienced gorilla mother became his surrogate mother).  I'll add more on the the relationships later (for anyone interested).

  A research study focuses on the gestures they use for communication.

  That's Hasani's usually indifferent father, Oscar Jonesy, at the left.

 The shots in June are almost all taken through the smudged, streaked, scratched (or even carved into) plexiglass windows, either at the side area where we can sometimes see them close-up or at the front of the enclosure.  Those will have reflections and are somewhat hazy.

  But I've not uploaded most of the June ones yet, as I found many from May (from the pocket cameras) which I had not even seen, so some of those are here also. Visited several other zoo residents too.  June 7, 2013. #sftigercub

Am using a combo of the Canon Rebel XT + 70-300mm zoom, the little Canon SX260, and for anything not needing zoom (almost everything at the zoo needs it), the Sony RX100.
This set is included also in Canon SX260 galleries that have the other zoo visits to avoid confusion when navigating zoo sets.

  Here's a Flickr photography discussion about trying to get clear pictures thru' the zoo's plexiglass windows in the tiger exhibit), which is why the effort to find fence views.

To see the images that are 1024 pixels wide (or larger) for the thumbnails below, *click* on 'ORIGINAL' option below the first photo that comes up after you click on a thumbnail; otherwise, and that setting will stay for the session.  It defaults to 800 pixels wide.

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  (A left- or right-arrow keypress also works if your screen is large enough.)

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Hasani, 4 yrs old. Mulling.
Hasani, 4 yrs old. Mulling.
See Hasani's story.
See Hasani's story.
Bawang, Hasani's surrogate mother. mImg_0501.jpg
Bawang, Hasani's surrogate mother. mImg_0501.jpg
Oscar Jonesy, Hasani's father. Silverback & Leader of the troop. #2649
Oscar Jonesy, Hasani's father. Silverback & Leader of the troop. #2649
Zoo landscaping. #mdsc01947
Zoo landscaping. #mdsc01947
Closeup of Cub practicing stalking look. #0707cr
Closeup of Cub practicing stalking look. #0707cr
Tiger cub Jillian and her mother, Leanne. #2685
Tiger cub Jillian and her mother, Leanne. #2685
Tiny pool area. #2704
Tiny pool area. #2704
Near side windows, May 7. #2709
Near side windows, May 7. #2709
Jillian, 3 months old May 7. #2712
Jillian, 3 months old May 7. #2712
Leanne, from side-windows viewing area. #2718
Leanne, from side-windows viewing area. #2718
A rare relaxing time for mama. #2721
A rare relaxing time for mama. #2721
She checks on the cub, of course. #2722
She checks on the cub, of course. #2722
Ballet form. #2723
Ballet form. #2723
Superb Zoo Photographer May Woon at work. #2732
Superb Zoo Photographer May Woon at work. #2732
Cub Jillian takes a somewhat rare rest time. #2736
Cub Jillian takes a somewhat rare rest time. #2736
Ely and May, after we met May and recognized her name. #2738
Ely and May, after we met May and recognized her name. #2738
Ely and May + some of the plexiglass windows. #2739
Ely and May + some of the plexiglass windows. #2739
Cousin Ely and me, by illustrious photographer May Woon. #DSC_9352
Cousin Ely and me, by illustrious photographer May Woon. #DSC_9352
May and me, after meeting her at the side windows. By Ely Y.
May and me, after meeting her at the side windows. By Ely Y.
The ever-loving sea otters. mdsc01971
The ever-loving sea otters. mdsc01971
Oscar and his very human expressions. #2751
Oscar and his very human expressions. #2751
He's a Western Lowland Gorilla. #2752
He's a Western Lowland Gorilla. #2752
Zoo fountain. 2770
Zoo fountain. 2770
Anteater roaming the greenery. #2777
Anteater roaming the greenery. #2777
From grotto, looking at front plexiglassed  visitor area. #mdsc01994.
From grotto, looking at front plexiglassed visitor area. #mdsc01994.
Leanne with a delightful expression. Cub asleep next to her. #1685
Leanne with a delightful expression. Cub asleep next to her. #1685
One of two snow leopards. Very sweet-tempered. #1716
One of two snow leopards. Very sweet-tempered. #1716
Snow leopard, behind plexiglass. #1725
Snow leopard, behind plexiglass. #1725
Snow leopard's had enough of us. #1735
Snow leopard's had enough of us. #1735
4-yr old Hasani, waiting to be let back into the night quarters. #1752r
4-yr old Hasani, waiting to be let back into the "night quarters." #1752r
The 4-1/2 yr old Hasani is growing up !  #1752r-top
The 4-1/2 yr old Hasani is growing up ! #1752r-top
Lunch time as they all find the hidden treats. #2881
Lunch time as they all find the hidden treats. #2881
Bawang, Hasani's surrogate mother. #2885
Bawang, Hasani's surrogate mother. #2885
Bawang's story. #2891
Bawang's story. #2891
Monifa, Hasani's biological teen mom, 4 yrs later. #1850
Monifa, Hasani's biological teen mom, 4 yrs later. #1850
Finally noticed where Hasani's eyes are from. #1850cr-eyes.
Finally noticed where Hasani's eyes are from. #1850cr-eyes.
Part of the Oscar Jonesy Gorilla Family Preserve area. #2898
Part of the Oscar Jonesy Gorilla Family Preserve area. #2898
Taken thru' narrow opening between glass & wall #2907
Taken thru' narrow opening between glass & wall #2907
One more thru' narrow opening at wall. Expressive face. #2912
One more thru' narrow opening at wall. Expressive face. #2912
Oscar's half-sister, Zura, who is mischievous, as you can see. #2981
Oscar's half-sister, Zura, who is mischievous, as you can see. #2981
I liked the turquoise color. It's behind mesh wires. #1854
I liked the turquoise color. It's behind mesh wires. #1854
Changed its mind but did fly away soon after.  #1863.
Changed its mind but did fly away soon after. #1863.
Cub Jillian with big stick. #2926
Cub Jillian with big stick. #2926
Holding that stick with her paw. #2927cr
Holding that stick with her paw. #2927cr
Resting after and before extended romps.  #2929cr
Resting after and before extended romps. #2929cr
Love this one-eye thing. #2932cr
Love this one-eye thing. #2932cr
I am never far away from a cafe. By Ely Y.
I am never far away from a cafe. By Ely Y.
Beautiful flowers and bird enclosures in background. mdsc01948
Beautiful flowers and bird enclosures in background. mdsc01948