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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Day trips nearby >> Point Isabel Dog Park scenery - Costco Kindle use March 19 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dusk at Berkeley Marina with my cell phone | Short trip to Berkeley Marina | Point Molate Photos | Point Molate Revisited - Pictures from June 2007 | Point Isabel Dog Park 1 | Point Isabel Dog Park 2 | Point Isabel Dog Park scenery - Costco Kindle use March 19 | A Visit to Skywalker Ranch, via Diane and Dan Benoit

Point Isabel Dog Park scenery - Costco Kindle use March 19

These are pictures from Pt. Isabel, March 19, 2010, early enough so that there were hardly any dogs around. The light was great so I took some scenic shots.

Costco is right next door, so there are a couple of shots also for my Kindle blog on, as it turns out, the first anniversary of the blog, which I had to be reminded about late that night. Click on any image to get the larger version.  Then you can click on "Next" or "Previous" to see other ones.

*** ( For FULL images: PC's, press/toggle F11.  Mac's, maximize screen. ) ***

Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0092
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0092
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0095
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0095
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0096
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0096
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0106
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0106
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0111
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0111
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0112
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0112
Pt. Isabel scene.  mImg_0128
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0128
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0129
Pt. Isabel scene. mImg_0129
At Costco next door - checking Kindle for web reviews of product
At Costco next door - checking Kindle for web reviews of product
Reading review of another product, during Costco hot dog break - 3/19/10
Reading review of another product, during Costco hot dog break - 3/19/10
Same webpage on Kindle - at  a better angle - 3/19/10
Same webpage on Kindle - at a better angle - 3/19/10