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Andrys Basten | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Day trips nearby tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day trips nearby

These are only minutes away from Berkeley, California.

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Dusk at Berkeley Marina with my cell phone
gallery: Dusk at Berkeley Marina with my cell phone
Short trip to Berkeley Marina
gallery: Short trip to Berkeley Marina
Point Molate Photos
gallery: Point Molate Photos
Point Molate Revisited - Pictures from June 2007
gallery: Point Molate Revisited - Pictures from June 2007
Point Isabel Dog Park 1
gallery: Point Isabel Dog Park 1
Point Isabel Dog Park 2
gallery: Point Isabel Dog Park 2
Point Isabel Dog Park scenery - Costco Kindle use March 19
gallery: Point Isabel Dog Park scenery - Costco Kindle use March 19
A Visit to Skywalker Ranch, via Diane and Dan Benoit
gallery: A Visit to Skywalker Ranch, via Diane and Dan Benoit