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Richard 's Recent Galleries

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21-Jul-2023 23:41
05-Jul-2023 00:00
19-Jun-2023 01:58
Various Cameras and Related Equipment
Various Cameras and Related Equipment
05-Jul-2022 06:46
23-Sep-2020 05:50
Video conversion TV and movies
Video conversion TV and movies
18-Jul-2020 20:06
17-Oct-2018 05:05
1970s film found in old camera and developed
1970s film found in old camera and developed
20-Apr-2017 06:14
Questar SZ 180 to Questar Telescope 7 OTA Conversion GALLERY
Questar SZ 180 to Questar Telescope 7 OTA Conversion GALLERY
12-Mar-2017 08:58
GALLERY: Rokinon 85m f/1.4 versus Schneider 85mm f/0.95 Cine lens
GALLERY: Rokinon 85m f/1.4 versus Schneider 85mm f/0.95 Cine lens
02-Mar-2017 23:08
Panasonic GX8 and 100-300mm II lens
Panasonic GX8 and 100-300mm II lens
21-Dec-2016 23:07
Large Military Eyepiece 40mm with 70 deg. apparent field
Large Military Eyepiece 40mm with 70 deg. apparent field
05-Apr-2015 22:24
Olympus E-M5 II High Resolution Mode
Olympus E-M5 II High Resolution Mode