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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Murals, Sculptures, Urban Art.... >> Salvador's Art Truck >
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Nikon D850 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/250s f/8.0 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska30-Jul-2024 21:03
Beautiful elements, lovely composition. V.
janescottcumming25-Jul-2024 15:15
Glad you showed a closeup! V
Julie Oldfield25-Jul-2024 14:08
The more I look, the more I see. That is so awesomely eccentric. V
Richard Chu25-Jul-2024 08:23
Tight crop and beautiful details and colors! V
Danad25-Jul-2024 07:35
Incredible details and profusion showing the work of the artist.
Bryan Murahashi25-Jul-2024 03:59
Beautiful close up of this impressive collection and artistry.
Jeff B.25-Jul-2024 03:37
Fantastic imagination and dedication. What a project! V
joseantonio25-Jul-2024 03:03
nice closeup detail.V
Dan Opdal25-Jul-2024 02:00
Great shot! You got my vote. V
Graeme25-Jul-2024 00:39
There is just so much going on in this scene and so many interesting things to view. Great work, Walter.V
Jeremy24-Jul-2024 23:18
If I have not seen the earlier posts, I would have thought this is an art piece in itself displayed in an art shop. V
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte24-Jul-2024 21:31
A wonderful document image, congratulations!
big v
Nirvan Hope24-Jul-2024 21:21
Fantastic. Complex creativity one could spend hours exploring.
Mairéad24-Jul-2024 21:17
That's amazing! So much work went into creating that. V
larose forest photos24-Jul-2024 20:54
This is clearly a well thought out collage of various items and images, all put carefully together. Superb shot of it. VV
globalgadabout24-Jul-2024 20:48
that's intense, and complex, a true work of devotion..
Carl Carbone24-Jul-2024 20:39
That would make a challenging jigsaw puzzle! Nicely framed and captured.
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