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December 6


A fruit native to Southeast Asia which we used to enjoy when I was growing up in Indonesia and Singapore.
Attempts at cultivating them in the U.S. have failed, but they are imported, and available in Asian Supermarkets here.
The fruit is under the hairy skin. Rambutan are delicious and healthy. They are related to lychee. The taste is somewhat similar.

Nikon D700 ,Tamron SP AF DI 90mm f/2.8 Macro
1/125s f/6.3 at 90.0mm iso1000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Doug Cruden11-Dec-2021 12:43
An excellent shot of these hairy fruits...I like the bowl too
Fong Lam08-Dec-2021 12:15
They're available here all year their sweet succulent flesh....excellent light and lovely display....V
danad08-Dec-2021 11:20
The color and the "hairy skin" match well with the bowl.
It reminds me our travels in Thailand or Indonesia...
Bryan Murahashi08-Dec-2021 04:54
Beautiful photo of these exotic looking fruits.
Arnie Peterschmidt08-Dec-2021 04:45
Excellent composition and light, I'll have to try Rambutan some time.
Gill Kopy08-Dec-2021 04:01
I love lychees so bet I'd like these - very nicely portrayed here - great colours. V
Kevin D Warren08-Dec-2021 01:21
So beautifully photographed, they are new to me.
laine08-Dec-2021 01:15
Love them...
lou_rozensteins07-Dec-2021 23:16
Nice shot! I haven't thought of these for ages! They are indeed delicious!
Neil Marcus07-Dec-2021 21:28
A fond memory in Brooklyn, NY 0f the 1940's was eating lunch at the local Chinese restaurants and having Lychees for dessert. These look exotic and presented so well. Thank you for the experience.
Julie Oldfield07-Dec-2021 21:25
An unusual looking exotic fruit. Photographed so well with the dark background and blue bowl to show off the red. V
Colin Storey07-Dec-2021 19:54
Great food still life.
globalgadabout07-Dec-2021 19:52
such an exuberant fruit with those fleshy spikes...commendable how you paired them with this leafy patterned all looks so tasty..
joseantonio07-Dec-2021 19:36
a very nice presentation. Look delicious.V.
Raymond07-Dec-2021 19:33
Funny how some stuff grow only in a specific area and nowhere else! Much like maple syrup here, Quebec produces about 90% of all the maple syrup in the world, they tried to have it in other places, the same trees, but ... no syrup at all! I wonder what Rambutan tastes like! Nice shot
Allan Jay07-Dec-2021 18:41
Exceptional detail,
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