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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Galleries >> PaD: Zuihitsu > December 5
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05-Dec-2021 Photo by the Waiter

December 5

Holiday Lunch of the Organizers of the Pacific Photographic Society

We were not able to get together last year, so we had twice as much fun this year.
I am in front on the left.

Apple iPhone 11 Pro
1/60s f/1.8 at 4.2mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Kat26-Dec-2021 16:58
A lot of happy faces here. Nice photo
Doug Cruden11-Dec-2021 12:41
Yoo hoo Walter, you're looking well!! Good to see you and the PPS again...I hope that's a beer beside you :o)
Zoltán Balogh09-Dec-2021 14:41
What a superb, joyful photograph of you and the fellow photographers!
Raymond09-Dec-2021 12:49
Happiness is being with friends who share a common interest
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)08-Dec-2021 07:13
Ciao ragazzi,buon divertimento! VVV
Kevin D Warren08-Dec-2021 01:22
A nice job by the waiter - and the chef too it appears.
Julie Oldfield07-Dec-2021 21:26
It looks wonderful to get together. Our holiday party at work was canceled due to the surge in Covid numbers.
Nestor Derkach07-Dec-2021 16:51
Nice group photograph all with the same interest photography excellent apple delivery.
They all know how to deliver a smile.
Nice sharp photograph,
Mairéad06-Dec-2021 21:41
This looks like a fun get together.
Tom LeRoy06-Dec-2021 10:59
Wonderful you can do this with your photography group! So nice to see you too, Walter. Very
danad06-Dec-2021 10:09
A festive table !
Raf06-Dec-2021 09:43
Great to see you and a group of happy photographers.
Fong Lam06-Dec-2021 07:54
A wonderful group portrait and so nice you all could get together...nice smiles all round :) V
Gill Kopy06-Dec-2021 05:50
Looks like you made a good choice for a restaurant !! Looks like a fun group and so nice to get together - and meet you Walter :). Our Club is still going with Zoom for our Christmas do :(
joseantonio06-Dec-2021 04:34
so nice that you could meet again.V.
Bryan Murahashi06-Dec-2021 04:17
Wonderful photo of all the smiling faces.
Neil Marcus06-Dec-2021 02:58
A pleasant group in a well taken picture. The food looks like healthy fare.
globalgadabout06-Dec-2021 02:17
perhaps the waiter should be invited to join the PPS, as this is an excellent look so content Walter..
LynnH06-Dec-2021 00:52
Awesome that you all could get together and celebrate!!
Raymond Ma06-Dec-2021 00:37
Great to see that you can all get together now...what a fine looking group of like minded photographers.
The food looks delicious and your plate looks particularly healthy. V
Carl Carbone06-Dec-2021 00:00
Looking great! Glad you all could get together.
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