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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Mexico >> Tijuana 2018 > Warrior Sculptures
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Warrior Sculptures

Cultural Center Tijuana

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/200s f/11.0 at 26.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ton T.30-Jun-2018 17:35
Great image of these interesting rusty sculptures! V
Zoltán Balogh30-Jun-2018 14:58
Awesome find and capture of them. V
Fong Lam06-Feb-2018 11:49
Fabulous capture of these fascinating the color tones and composition...V
Ursula Miller06-Feb-2018 07:17
This is a great image of a striking scene, Walter! V
joseantonio06-Feb-2018 05:19
very nice capture of this group.V.
fotabug06-Feb-2018 04:36
Quite unusual work!
Gill Kopy06-Feb-2018 04:14
All in a Yoga pose !! What fascinating sculptures making a very cool image V
Marcia Rules06-Feb-2018 03:52
Very modern and strict nailed the mood... V
Dennis Hoyne06-Feb-2018 03:36
So cool, each piece seems to have its own individuality, so well captured. BV
Julie Oldfield06-Feb-2018 03:15
Very cool capture. V
Richard Marcus06-Feb-2018 02:52
The tones and composition. I really like this image, Walter! V
Neil Marcus06-Feb-2018 01:24
They haven't fought in a while They are a bit rusty.Now that I've gotten that out of the way, it is a well exposed and interesting subject. "VV"
laine06-Feb-2018 01:21
A strong image...their rust is very photogenic :) V
Lamar Nix05-Feb-2018 22:43
Static automata make a riveting sight! V
globalgadabout05-Feb-2018 22:21
taut and tense figures...a fearsome quintet so poised for action...
Frank Tran05-Feb-2018 21:38
Well composed and captured. V+
Jim Coffman05-Feb-2018 21:10
These are so cool! Nice image, Walter...
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