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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Mexico >> Tijuana 2018 > Santiago Argüello
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Santiago Argüello

A street lined with restaurants, bars and clubs.

Nikon D300 ,Nikkor 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6g IF-ED AF-S DX VR
1/200s f/11.0 at 18.0mm iso200 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Marwan Habib20-Jul-2018 21:12
What a colourful street! Really nice. V.
Dallas Hyatt15-Jul-2018 20:43
Such a vibrant, dynamic image! Bravo!
Ton T.30-Jun-2018 17:36
A feast for the eyes! Impressive image Walter V
Zoltán Balogh30-Jun-2018 14:59
Colourful and excellent Walter. V
Pierre28-Jun-2018 17:51
Une rue magnifiquement décorée de ces nombreuses bannières! V
Jeff Real28-Jun-2018 17:17
This is a remarkable image
So much to see and it looks great
Jeff Real28-Jun-2018 17:17
This is a remarkable image
So much to see and it looks great
Julie Oldfield06-Feb-2018 03:16
Love it! V
Frank Tran05-Feb-2018 21:38
Colorful and beautiful. V+
Fong Lam05-Feb-2018 13:27
Lots of wonderful things to view in this well captured all the fine details and cheerful colors...V
marie-jose wolff05-Feb-2018 10:25
a beautiful, lively and colorful street scene! V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal05-Feb-2018 10:25
Beautiful and colorful image, like the POV.
Yvonne05-Feb-2018 06:44
Interesting how the flags cause the dappled lighting below... v
Gill Kopy05-Feb-2018 02:15
So cool how the flags create shadows - a great place to visit !! V
fotabug05-Feb-2018 01:59
Wow, so much color it confuses the eye!
Carol How05-Feb-2018 01:41
Amazing light and colourful scene... love all those shadows too! V
Don05-Feb-2018 00:18
That is wonderfully coloured and festive.
Pepe Lugash04-Feb-2018 23:44
Unique spot! Great capture. BV
laine04-Feb-2018 23:16
It's all about colour...a wonderful street scene, Walter. V
Chris Gibbins04-Feb-2018 21:37
Very colourful image, and super shadows as well.
Mairéad04-Feb-2018 21:21
The flags make for a really colourful image and I love the dappled shadows. V
Neil Marcus04-Feb-2018 20:11
A joyful street to visit. there is a lot to take in here. "vv"
Colin Storey04-Feb-2018 19:14
A wonderful and colourful street scene.
Patricia Kay04-Feb-2018 19:00
Fabulous to see all these colors and dappled sunlight Walter...It's snowing like mad here at the moment...BV
joseantonio04-Feb-2018 18:50
lovely and colorful.v.
David Buzzeo04-Feb-2018 18:48
I love the dappled effect the flags make on the foreground. Well taken image. V
Stephanie04-Feb-2018 18:02
What a colorful and fun image! Love the flags hanging across the street! V
Carl Carbone04-Feb-2018 17:57
What a neat scene!
Raymond04-Feb-2018 17:53
Not what I remember Tijuana to be!!! Wow, beautiful place now.
Jim Coffman04-Feb-2018 17:50
Wow, all those banners overhead could be very disconcerting! Nice capture, Walter!
globalgadabout04-Feb-2018 17:44
so colourful, joyous, and the colours of the flag are so prominent..
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