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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> Industry >> Deering Banjo Factory >
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Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 14-24mm f/2.8G ED
1/250s f/2.8 at 60.0mm iso500 (Best viewed in Original Size) full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Julie Oldfield18-Aug-2017 01:19
Excellent depth and detail. A beautiful piece too. V
Kim17-Aug-2017 21:14
What a beautiful instrument and a great photo! V
Anna & Christian RECK15-Aug-2017 21:03
An original composition of this impressive and marvelous work of art! BV. Anna
Marcia Colelli14-Aug-2017 14:55
Very beautiful work of art. Excellent and creative composition. V
laine14-Aug-2017 13:33
A work of art...V
Jim Coffman14-Aug-2017 13:05
Wonderful detail in this well composed capture.
danad14-Aug-2017 10:14
Beautiful and sharp details. Superb soft light too...V.
Tom LeRoy14-Aug-2017 08:24
Superb craftsmanship is evident and finely displayed in this sharp and colorful shot. V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal14-Aug-2017 05:59
Beautiful details and sharpness, great work Walter.V
globalgadabout14-Aug-2017 04:29
impressive workmanship and a real flair in the design...the inlay is marvelous..
fotabug14-Aug-2017 03:14
Absolutely beautiful. Someone is a real artist
Nirvan Hope14-Aug-2017 01:40
A work of art, beautifully displayed.
Neil Marcus14-Aug-2017 01:18
They craft art. Amazing work tastefully composed by you. "V"
Jeff B.14-Aug-2017 00:49
Fantastic detail! V
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