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Walter Otto Koenig | all galleries >> San Diego >> San Diego 2014 > Soaring
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Jarek M30-May-2022 09:14
Winner: 632nd Show & Tell Competition: Sports or Recreational Aviation
Frank Brault17-Feb-2015 18:39
A fantastic 3! V
Buz Kiefer15-Jan-2015 18:37
Wonderful photo. Vote.r
Julie Oldfield10-Jan-2015 23:34
This is just fantastic!! V
Carol Rollins10-Jan-2015 12:44
I love how they are all lined up! Perfect shot Walter.
Neil Marcus09-Jan-2015 22:57
An adventure...but not for me. Nice clean view, Walter.
Kim09-Jan-2015 21:55
Great capture Walter! V
Ken Chambers ARPS09-Jan-2015 21:50
Very nice capture, Walter
Jean D09-Jan-2015 21:46
Lovely action shot, well captured. ~V
Carol How09-Jan-2015 21:25
Beautiful scene…a sense of peace here….beautifully captured! V
Jim Coffman09-Jan-2015 21:13
That is on m bucket list! Nice capture,Walter!
Guest 09-Jan-2015 21:11
Fine,well detailed image with the trio on high. V
larose forest photos09-Jan-2015 20:46
You got three in a row! Super capture. V
janescottcumming09-Jan-2015 20:40
Three's a charm, great colors! V
John Reynolds LRPS09-Jan-2015 20:31
Well done for getting the hang gliders in a row. Great pic. V.
John Hamers09-Jan-2015 20:23
Beautiful these paragliders on the diagonal line, well seen and captured !!V
Colin Storey09-Jan-2015 20:20
Great shot of these trhee perfectly lined up. v
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