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This bunny was sitting in the grass behind a little hill when I was photographing him from a distance. He knew that he is way faster then I am and could easily run away so he was eating the grass ignoring my presence. Suddenly he stood up on his back feet probably because he smelled or heard that I had a dog with me. He just wanted to make that his nose and/or his ears were right. He of course spotted my dog from this position immediately and this funny face he made then was the last thing saw.

Canon EOS 40D ,Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6 IS USM
1/400s f/6.3 at 220.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
don nieman14-Jul-2010 00:50
Nice. Really good performance out of the 70-300.
Michael Argo25-Jun-2010 03:14
Great Picture, Perfect pose V
roger fournier17-Jun-2010 14:24
bravo,speaking expression very well captured with great definition
mircea costina03-Jun-2010 12:20
Excellent capture! I love the bunny expresion :) V
globalgadabout29-May-2010 20:12
pulsating with immediacy...bravo...V
Guest 26-May-2010 03:36
Excellent timing and image quality!
Galina Stepanova25-May-2010 16:13
Superb quality portrait, amazingly sharp and clear.
Bravo, Photographer, great work with such impatient model!
Simon Chandler24-May-2010 00:42
Excellent capture of the lively expression of the subject. Great composition with good clarity. v
Mairéad23-May-2010 21:42
Excellent capture and great timing before he sped away. V
Tom Munson22-May-2010 23:35
Fantastic image! Love that pose. Great work!
jychamberland19-May-2010 14:12
fantastic sharp image, very good timing.
Lise De Serres19-May-2010 01:25
Perfect timing in catching this beautiful shot!
Primoz Fidersek18-May-2010 16:57
amazing, cant close this super photo, just watching and watching, V
Fong Lam18-May-2010 13:05
Excellent capture of this cute bunny....V
lisamidi17-May-2010 14:50
Funny expression in this bunny portrait, love the shot! bv
Ann Sherba17-May-2010 00:51
Terrific capture!
Mike Dunbar16-May-2010 18:24
Beautiful shot! Tack sharp.
Aivar Mikko16-May-2010 09:18
Excellent pose, expression and sharpness. V.
Gerard Koehl16-May-2010 07:26
Wow... splendide. V
Carl Carbone16-May-2010 00:16
Great timing! This is a once-a-long-while catch. V
Don Mottershead15-May-2010 22:40
Hmm... my eyes point forward and my ears sideways. This guy has a different thing going. Great shot.
Carol Rollins15-May-2010 19:07
Fantastic expression! Great shot Alina. ~
Guest 15-May-2010 12:37
Excellent... and very cute!
Ali Majdfar15-May-2010 10:45
Fantastic capture! ~V
David Hobbs15-May-2010 06:27
Oh. Great picture - a study in alertness & concentration. V
Sarah Rehfeldt15-May-2010 03:33
What big eyes... Great capture!
Robert Houde15-May-2010 00:41
Great looking bunny in this very nice capture.
Vince14-May-2010 15:42
Excellent capture of the comical situation Alina. Love the look of his face. Vote.
Barbara Read and Fred Schaad14-May-2010 13:58
Great shot, Alina. You captured the 'decisive moment.' Voted
Marco Valk14-May-2010 07:29
Superb shot; great timing to get that expression. v
Guest 14-May-2010 04:33
What a fantastic image, Alina. The expression is priceless. Excellent work. V
Bryan Murahashi14-May-2010 04:20
Fabulous shot with its surprised expression. V
January Grey14-May-2010 03:24
Perfect timing, Alina! Terrific catch. Such an adorable bunny! V~
Guest 13-May-2010 22:56
Gosh what fabulous eyes, V
Claude Martin13-May-2010 20:06
Houlala!!! comme il est beau! V
Guest 13-May-2010 19:14
Very beautiful capture.
Stephanie13-May-2010 18:48
This is a real winner! Fabulous clarity! BV
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography13-May-2010 18:45
Superb, Vote :)
Guest 13-May-2010 18:19
Outstanding capture Alina! Wonderful colour and detail.. love the large eyes! V
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