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alexeig | all galleries >> Galleries >> One day in Brussels > Windows at dusk
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Windows at dusk

Canon PowerShot G5
1/2s f/2.0 at 7.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 06-Dec-2004 01:12
Excellent perspective, gorgeous color and wonderful glimpses into
the windows. This is a really cool shot.
Guest 10-Nov-2004 01:04
wow this image is so striking! i love the lights and the sky against the texture of the buildings. simply beautiful!

Guest 13-Apr-2004 23:18
I love this photograph. The color, the light, the old building. You are a good photographer. Being in the right place is half the battle, finding the right light and mood is the other half. Great job.
Anna Yu12-Apr-2004 03:59
Eye catching shot.
Guest 23-Feb-2004 13:49
This is a very beautiful image, I love the range of yellows, oranges and reds here.
Very minor worry - the sky visible above the shorter house is so white.
Love the shot.
KenH22-Feb-2004 21:35
Wow, very nice!

If that is local to you, I would go back and experiment with different lighting and the like.

Very cool.
rainbowman18 08-Feb-2004 21:26
Very nice shot. Great color and mix of warm and cool tones and hues. The camera and photographer take great shots.