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alexeig | all galleries >> Galleries >> One day in Brussels > Up and beyond
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Up and beyond

Canon PowerShot G5
1/60s f/2.0 at 7.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 06-Nov-2006 17:21
Is that a hotel in Brussels, or is it the "Maison Horta" (Horta's house - Horta museum)?
alexeig03-Feb-2004 01:51
Many thanks for visiting, Marisa and for nice comment. You are probably right about the people, but ... it is not hotel on this pic :)
Marisa Livet02-Feb-2004 18:07
I like your shots, I have been in this same hotel and I know how evocative it can be for photos too...just a little remark...for the harmony of this nice pictures I would have decided to crop it and to cut out people