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Alejandro | all galleries >> Galleries >> Shapes & Lines > The Mirrow
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07-FEB-2009 Alejandro Ruiz

The Mirrow


Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/80s f/18.0 at 32.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Wenche Aune08-Feb-2009 20:46
Fantastic image. V
Silvia Roitman08-Feb-2009 16:28
muy buena composicion!!!v
carabias08-Feb-2009 13:00
Bella y perfecta!!!! V*
Vince08-Feb-2009 09:56
Outstanding shot. Excellent patterns and tone. Superb details too. Vote.
Paco López08-Feb-2009 06:52
Excelente y con unas luces y brillos preciosas!!!! Voto!
marie-jose wolff08-Feb-2009 06:45
a perfect composition! V
Debbie Blackburn Beierle08-Feb-2009 05:31
FANTASTIC......composition/tonal range and clarity! You are a master with B&W, Alejandro!
silvia marmori08-Feb-2009 02:18
excelente composicion y un gran rango de tonos..
muy impactante, Alejandro
Yiannis Pavlis08-Feb-2009 02:14
This is very striking and so well composed and exposed..V
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