If I ever have enough time to process photos again this will be photos from a trip to New Zealand in July 2017.
To be honest I never felt that the trip came into focus; it felt too rushed and improvised. After the Europe trip of 2016, it didn't seem like there would be a chance to do a trip this year. Then the designated petsitter announced her own pending trip to Europe, and there was a certain sense of "now or never" about it.
I decided to concentrate on two cities on the South Island; Christchurch and the ski resort of Queenstown. We were there too late for skiing, although one of us did manage to slip on some ice and do great damage to her ankle, resulting in a trip to the (excellent, may I say) hospital in Queenstown, and a rather interesting trip back utilising a wheelchair and a lift to get into the plane.
Oh, and my 12-40mm lens was broken as well.
Like I said, the trip didn't really come into focus. But the fall aside, it was worth doing.
170723_000000_001 Our Flight From Sydney To Christchurch
170723_000000_002 The South Island of New Zealand, And Some Of Our Stops
170723_103330_0000 Love A Bit Of Snow Cap
:: 2017 Day 01: Christchurch, Day 1 (Sun 23 Jul 2017) ::