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akleja | all galleries >> The garden galleries >> Flowers > Tulips with reflection
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Tulips with reflection

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
1/20s f/3.3 at 18.5mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 02-Mar-2008 10:07
A beautifully delicate composition ~V~
Simon Chandler01-Mar-2008 00:08
Wonderful composition and soft tone. v
laine8229-Feb-2008 19:45
What a delicious looking bunch of tulips.
Gervan22-Feb-2007 21:45
Perfectly done. The blur fits beautifully to the shape of these tulips. vote.
beverley harrison01-Jul-2006 18:11
this is gorgeous!!
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