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akleja | all galleries >> The garden galleries >> Flowers > Reflection
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Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ20
1/20s f/3.3 at 6.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 29-Feb-2008 17:16
Fantastic shot here and perfect reflection!
firstbrook29-Feb-2008 14:17
You know I was just looking through this gallery and this one jumped out........its just brill....good reflection......and reading what the others say I would agree it looks like a painting......and I was just wondering could use that surface to produce other images of flowers....real first I thought it was looking through a piece of know the sort they put in doors....but its a great effect...see if you can get some more like it.........its a great idea.........very arty
veraferia27-Feb-2008 21:47
It looks like a painting!Beautiful!V
12326-Apr-2007 16:56
Wonderful reflection. Voted
Guest 29-Oct-2006 12:02
This one is especially nice! Very painterly.
beverley harrison01-Jul-2006 18:10
i really like this one it has an almost abstract feel to it!!
Christin Tröger27-Feb-2006 10:20
This is wonderful!
laine8226-Feb-2006 07:14
I lust love this one !! GMV
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