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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> In The Garden >> Ferns and Allies > Blue Fern
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27-OCT-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Blue Fern

Seen deep in the forest of the Waianae mountains.

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Ann07-Nov-2008 07:47
Lovely shot Pam of this beautiful blue fern.
Guest 30-Oct-2008 11:39
Very pretty shot, Pam
Bea.29-Oct-2008 06:25
Very pretty shot, and such a wonderful show of greens.
Ruth Voorhis29-Oct-2008 05:03
Lovely blue-green.
Guest 29-Oct-2008 03:26
Lovely Pam, can understand why it would stand out being such an unusual colour.
Guest 29-Oct-2008 01:19
You've caught the colour well :-)
Barry Ailetcher29-Oct-2008 01:17
Real nice I remember seeing that fern when I was over there I used togo over to Kona for long weekends tosee my brother he still lives in captian cook
Roger Bailey29-Oct-2008 01:15
Unusuel blue for a fern, they are mainly green.
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