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Pam Haley - FrogHouse Photo | all galleries >> In The Garden >> Ferns and Allies > Moss Bank
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27-OCT-2008 Pam Haley ~ FrogHouse Photo

Moss Bank

Waianae Mountains

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jack Hoying07-Nov-2008 02:55
That sure is a healthy batch!
Ann06-Nov-2008 21:16
Excellent image Pam. Clarity and colour are excellent.
fotabug05-Nov-2008 05:36
nice image
Guest 02-Nov-2008 20:36
Beautifully captured study in green.
Geoff Smith02-Nov-2008 04:08
Super shot Pam!
Guest 02-Nov-2008 03:19
A lovely shot Pam, lush forest.
Guest 02-Nov-2008 02:15
Nicely caught, it screams damp at me!
Bea.02-Nov-2008 00:52
Nicely taken Pam.
Rev. Kelly Todd01-Nov-2008 22:48
neat looking Pam! nice.
Ruth Voorhis01-Nov-2008 20:10
Lovely lush greens and textures. Nicely done!
paplvr01-Nov-2008 19:52
Very pretty. I love the dense forest mosses and ferns. Linda S
Barry Ailetcher01-Nov-2008 16:10
real nice shot
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