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Adalberto Tiburzi | profile | all galleries >> My cameras >> Passages /Canon S120 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Passages /Canon S120 | Nokia 2710 | Canon PowerShot S90 | Canon 5D, back to the future. | 50mm f/1,4 on 20D | Panny LX 1, ahead to the past * | Kodascope Eight 50 (1932)

Passages /Canon S120


Canon PowerShot S120 + DPP
Summer Selfie
Summer Selfie
Compagni di strada
Compagni di strada
Spring at home
Spring at home
Opel Karl
Opel Karl
Umauns sainza amur sun ervas sainza flurAndrea Aschedamini e Cristina Locatelli
Umauns sainza amur sun ervas sainza flur
Andrea Aschedamini e Cristina Locatelli
full moon in Rome Christmas 2015
full moon in Rome Christmas 2015
The sky of Rome was to Provence today
The sky of Rome was to Provence today
Love Letters in the Sandstone
Love Letters in the Sandstone
The shadow makes the difference
The shadow makes the difference
My Mother
My Mother
Sprung in Paris
Sprung in Paris
Eglise Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs from a mansard
Eglise Saint-Nicolas-des-Champs from a mansard
Ponte della Musica
Ponte della Musica
Ponte della Musica
Ponte della Musica
dusty cooker hood waiting for my lentil stew
dusty cooker hood waiting for my lentil stew
Passaggio in Ladakh
Passaggio in Ladakh
Xmas trees in Rome
Xmas trees in Rome
AliCè a Roma
AliCè a Roma
wide shut
wide shut
Roman rooftop in the light of November
Roman rooftop in the light of November
  Emanuel Hendrix, gold leaf technique
Emanuel Hendrix, gold leaf technique
Acquario Romano con scultura in giardino
Acquario Romano con scultura in giardino
Casa dell'Architettura Roma
Casa dell'Architettura Roma
Casa dell'Architettura Roma
Casa dell'Architettura Roma
it's a wonderful world especially for children :-(
it's a wonderful world especially for children :-(
real-time from my kitchen sipping tomato juice with worcester and tabasco
real-time from my kitchen sipping tomato juice with worcester and tabasco
 Boulogne-Billancourt le bow window sur la Seine
le bow window sur la Seine
saisir la lumière
saisir la lumière
le sofa optique
le sofa optique
dans le Marais
dans le Marais
hotel in Paris, Paris in hotel
hotel in Paris, Paris in hotel
Puits de lumière / Lightwell
Puits de lumière / Lightwell
Pane-fresco al dall'Antò
Pane-fresco al dall'Antò
Maxxi Self
Maxxi Self
Zaha Hadid's mirror
Zaha Hadid's mirror
Gabriele Basilico silence please
Gabriele Basilico
silence please
Canon PowerShot S120 in night shot mode
Canon PowerShot S120 in "night shot" mode
Zaha the post-euclidean
Zaha the post-euclidean
Vendesi / For Sale
Vendesi / For Sale
Staircase and Tones
Staircase and Tones
Spring of Hope
Spring of Hope
caffè Amodioviale Regina Margherita 146
caffè Amodio
viale Regina Margherita 146
graffiti no more
graffiti no more
arte in via del Boschetto
arte in via del Boschetto
mercato di piazza Alessandria
mercato di piazza Alessandria
piazza Madonna dei Monti
piazza Madonna dei Monti
that blue light
that blue light
Mario on the telephone
Mario on the telephone
fake door
fake door
il colpo di vento
il colpo di vento
applique hotel Palatino
applique hotel Palatino
Arabian night in via Leonina Roma
Arabian night in via Leonina Roma
Acid Drop via del Moro 14
Acid Drop via del Moro 14
bar caffè Caprera piazza Caprera 8
bar caffè Caprera piazza Caprera 8
broken Ukrainian flagvia del Boschetto Rione Monti
broken Ukrainian flag
via del Boschetto Rione Monti
passing time at the Sailor's barvia Leonina 69
passing time at the Sailor's bar
via Leonina 69
another passage in via del Boschetto rione Monti
another passage in via del Boschetto
rione Monti
passage in via del Boschettorione Monti
passage in via del Boschetto
rione Monti
bar caffè Caprera piazza Caprera 8
bar caffè Caprera piazza Caprera 8
through the MACROvia Nizza 138
through the MACRO
via Nizza 138
morning light passage studio dr. Felice Pazardjiklian via V. Montiglio 67
morning light passage
studio dr. Felice Pazardjiklian via V. Montiglio 67
passing over that super ice creamCiuri Ciuri via Leonina 18
passing over that super ice cream
Ciuri Ciuri via Leonina 18
passaggio con assaggiovia Madonna dei Monti 16
passaggio con assaggio
via Madonna dei Monti 16
Galassia Roma via Frattina 20
Galassia Roma via Frattina 20
Sere Bar in via Novara 47, ceiling
Sere Bar in via Novara 47, ceiling
bar Caprera piazza Caprera 8
bar Caprera piazza Caprera 8
via Novara 24, school
via Novara 24, school
 via Novara 16, passage with scale
via Novara 16, passage with scale