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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Utazás 2017 - 2017 Journeys >> Balatonakarattya és Dég - Balatonakarattya and Dég > Balatonakarattya 07
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Balatonakarattya 07

Nikon D200
1/60s f/6.3 at 16.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yohanan David05-Oct-2017 08:04
Beautiful composition! V
Sam Rua02-Oct-2017 04:17
+1 on on the comp. Very nice.
Jeff Real01-Oct-2017 15:10
This is such a nice composition
Liz Bickel30-Sep-2017 00:47
Charming scene.
Don29-Sep-2017 21:46
Lake or sea? Excellent exposure on such an intensely sunny day.
Colin Storey29-Sep-2017 16:45
Lovely scene.
danad29-Sep-2017 13:41
Very nice tones and light. A well equilibrated composition. V.
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