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Zoltán Balogh | all galleries >> Repülőnapok,repülőterek és múzeumok - Airshows,airports and museums >> AirPower11 Zeltweg >
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Nikon D200
1/800s f/10.0 at 300.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
anthony11-Dec-2011 10:08
That's a pair to treasure!
XiaoBernard9910-Dec-2011 06:51
Very graphical picture.Very well done.
Tom LeRoy17-Oct-2011 17:18
Wow, that's a real action shot! Facinating view! V
Milan Vogrin04-Oct-2011 06:42
This was close! Nice shot!
pascal30-Sep-2011 16:11
Excellent scene ! Great photo !
Yiannis Pavlis29-Sep-2011 12:12
A wonderful moment superbly composed and captured.V
bill friedlander28-Sep-2011 15:30
Great shot. Looks like a little chase going on. V
marko gregoric28-Sep-2011 10:02
Very good composition. V
Jean Chiasson27-Sep-2011 23:03
Love the timing and contrast Zoltan vote
Stephanie27-Sep-2011 21:58
Super!!! Fabulous details Zoltan! BV
Patricia Kay27-Sep-2011 20:15
Fabulous capture Zoltan...BV
Colin Storey27-Sep-2011 20:10
Fantastic image of these flying machines. v
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography27-Sep-2011 19:38
Excellent shot, Vote!
joseantonio27-Sep-2011 19:02
Beautiful shot of these two birds
Jim Coffman27-Sep-2011 18:41
Simply excellent,Zoltan!! V
Gerard Koehl27-Sep-2011 18:38
Fantastique... V
Buba Jafarli27-Sep-2011 18:06
You went to the Pacific theatre with you time machine, Zoltan! Love this shot! V.
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